(All Accounts Except Share Draft Accounts)
Occurrence / Fee
- Alloya Member Transfers - $5.00/each
- Closing New Account within 90 days $10.00
- Dormant Account - no activity in last 90 days (waived for members 15-years-old and younger) $15.00/quarter)
- Duplicate Lien Release - $15.00
- Excessive Withdrawals - more than 20/year (Includes money order purchases) $5.00/each
- Foreign Item - $10.00/each
- Holiday Club withdrawals before October 1st - $5.00/each
- IRA Transfers - $20.00/each
- IRS Levy/Restraining Notices/Info Subpoena - $20.00/each
- Mailed Teller Check - $2.00/each
- Membership/Joint Member - $5.00/each
- Non-sufficient Funds (ACH) - $30.00/each
- Researching Account Activity - $20.00/hour
- Return Item - $20.00/each
- Statement Photocopy
- 1 prior statement - Free
- After 1 prior statement - $1.00/each
- Stop Payments
- ACH - $30.00
- Teller - $30.00
- Teller Check to 3rd Party - $4.00/each
- USPS Address Change - $2.00/each
- Wire Transfer (incoming and outgoing) - $25.00/each